Monkey Tree Services
We Do Monkey Around!
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Don't Forget to water your trees!

Justice served.

Be sure to know the property boundaries when pruning trees, don't cut your neighbours trees with out checking with them.

Vancouver Development Frustrations - Maintain your cool

Remain calm and carry on, patience is a virtue when dealing with Vancouver development!

"The problem is serious enough that both Mayor Kennedy Stewart and rival NPA Councillor Sarah Kirby-Yung each brought motions to council last week aimed at prodding city staff to move faster on the approval processes for key priorities such as housing and small-business permits."


Fall is almost over, winter just around the corner, its time to take a look at your roof line.  Reduce critter access and roof/gutter damage. Call Monkey Tree Services today to  check your trees and reduce the issues that occur with trees and roof lines.

Covid-19 update - New work measures Effective April 6th, 2020

The current COVID situation is taken very serious at Monkey Tree Services,  We decided to take a 14 day break and work out our personal isolation process.  Since then we have cleared a 14 day period and have resumed operations.  Each of our staff drives a designated vehicle to and from the job site and will not have contact with other vehicles.  Tools and equipment are sprayed with a bleach or alcohol disinfection solution through out the work day. The inherent nature of the job and lack of close proximity operations allows us to maintain a separation on the site. The crew has decided to sustain mindful operations. We are taking and scheduling estimates and are able to maintain an administrative process through this time so please reach out and address estimate requests as needed.  Our consulting and certified arborist reporting operations remain in full, until further notice.

In this time is is imperative to reduce and eliminate most physical or social overlaps, in order to viably address the current situation.  Stay safe out there, and if you do have a tree issue please reach out and we can address it in the current capacity as best we can.

Maintain control of your monkey mind, quiet, calm assertiveness is needed at this time!

Talk soon,
Seth Mennie,
Director of Operations.

Covid 19 and Monkey Tree Services Ltd



Monkey Tree Services and Covid-19. March 17th, 2020

Good morning,

We are still operating! All staff are responsible for and currently engaged in proper self isolation and practising extra care with personal hygiene. We currently have a clear disinfection policy: regularly throughout the work day, all trucks, equipment, office surfaces and any frequently-touched objects related to our daily operations are wiped down with a disinfectant (either a bleach or alcohol solution).

The nature of tree work and arborists limits our need for proximity to others at work. Our operation generally operates with limited public engagement, and as such we feel comfortable maintaining operations until such time that human movement is restricted. Your tree work can be completed without having to be in the physical presence of our team. Phone and email communication maintain our daily process. The work crew and administrative staff have a private office and workshop area that results in an isolated work environment. We do not need to enter your house, and current payment options allow for limited to no direct physical contact.

We recognize a need to pull together during this time, to protect ourselves, our operations, and most importantly our fellow Canadians and Vancouverites. In order to best weather the storm, please continue to book and carry forward with your tree work: maintaining our operations is vital to keep everyone here in as good a personal, physical and financial position as we can. While we all work together through these trying times, we depend on your understanding of this.

Thanks and stay positive out there!
Seth Mennie,
Director of Operations.

Is my tree safe?

Check your trees base for signs of decay and trunk separation. Monkey Tree Services

Tree check for snow damage!

WOW first time in 28 years Vancouver post office took the day of did you?
Check your trees, POWER LINES, neighbours or heaved roots at the base. A Certified Arborist can address the tree pruning or tree removal as needed. Monkey Tree Services.

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